
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Don't Dis-apoint me!

Although not outright, a dear friend of mine expressed disappointment in someone’s decision not to come out about something 100%. We get disappointed in people all the time, to the point of utter disgust. I asked my mother, “Why do you think people get disappointed in one another?” She said, “ because of YOUR expectations. We expect people to be or react a certain way and when they don’t, we become disappointed.” And that’s when it hit me; disappointments we have in other people have NOTHING to do with who they really are. It’s based on how we want them to be. The word itself is comprised of two words. “Dis” meaning “apart”, “asunder” or “away” and “appoint” meaning “to name or assign a position”. So in essence, when we become disappointed, we’re assigning a position away from the indented recipient: ourselves.

It’s a lot easier to point the finger in the opposite direction when it comes to things someone should or shouldn’t do. But closely look at your disappointments in others. Does it have anything to do with what you’re not doing with yourself?
We all have a charge on our lives, a destiny agreed on before most of us can remember. We will come face to face with the realization of our destiny (whether we act on it or not). Despite the things we occupy ourselves with in our days’ existence, there are things we should allow ourselves to do that would serve us better than the mundane. Well…are you doing it? If you say you don’t know what you’re supposed to do, isn’t it your responsibility to seek out that which you were created to do? Are you taking daily steps in improving your existence? So, your living the love below…isn’t the SAME reason your dis-apointed in another?

Looky here people, I’m just trying to save you all from the drama and…well, disappointment you might feel when someone does something you think they shouldn’t have. We all have a different path to walk on our individual journeys that will lead us to the same place (if you hop on the path, that is). There is no telling what another mans’ walk will look like…they’ve never walked it before. Their misstep or disappointment you take as personal might be just the step they need to make to meet you on the end of the yellow brick road. Most of the time, what you expect of another soul is exactly what you should be doing for self. So in the meantime, discover your path and take the first step. Spread love and over-standing along the way. Appoint yourself the freedom and courage to step out so you’re not dis-apointed when someone else doesn’t. See you in Oz.

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Isnt life grand when your layin in the sand!!

Isnt life grand when your layin in the sand!!