
Tuesday, October 13, 2009


My, My,'s been a while, hasn't it? Good and insightful things come to those who wait.

How can you fear something you do not know? I mean, most people fear death, financial ruin, heights severe illness, or even the boogeyman, yet most people have NEVER experienced them. Follow me here: Experience is the only thing that makes such incidents appear real. I've never experienced physical death( I know, I know. No one likes when someone dies because we are left to felt alone, sad and the such, but we STILL don't know what death feels like...obviously) so how can I perceive its' woes? I've never been terminally ill, been on a sinking ship or had a serious encounter with serial killer, so to say I fear the unknown is a double negative: one cannot fear something unless the experience becomes tangible. And what if you have been on the sinking Titanic or have beaten cancer? Can you still say you fear it?

I can tell ya. I've been broke. It stinks. I have been without the love from a man...lame. But I do not fear it. I dislike it. I prefer not to have the previously listed instances occur because through my experiences i can testify that to me, it's most unfavorable. However I cannot tell you how the boogeyman creeps me out or how it feels to be shot because I simply do not know the feeling. What I do know of those things are the testimony of others through their experiences or even more bizarre, their perception of their experiences.

Speaking of perception, how many things that you believe you fear come from constant years of people telling you how it felt to them? or perhaps your fear comes from what you read or what you see on television? Think about it....a little more...ok. Almost all our fears are solely based on our mental conditioning, yes, mine included. But it's alright. It's never too soon to change how we see things. When we change our vision, we change our perception. when we change our perception, we change our entire life!

I was told that fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real... the past is history(cannot be changed) the future is a mystery(unknown therefore unreal)and today is a gift. Why so? The only real thing in our possession is NOW. This moment is the only immutable truth. Tomorrow is an illusion because it hasn't happened yet. So to fear something that hasn't occurred means we aren't living at all. Crazy right? The only thing that separates us from those labeled 'crazy' or 'mentally unstable' is there thoughts and illusions are spoken aloud and ours lie dormant...that is, until our fears manifest themselves into all we imagined them to be...and more. So guard your thoughts and more so leave behind the concept of fear. There's simply no such thing. As I write to you, I write to myself.

Peace, People.


1 comment:

Shawn said...

I once heard that 90% of the things we're most afraid will never happen. And the other 10%, if it does happen, there's nothin' we could do about it anyway :0) I think we fear so readily, because it's so instinctual. Like, most people are afraid of snakes...a lil' kid sees one for the first time, and immediately the fear sets in. Why? Why do most of us have this predernatural fear of things that we don't know enough about to be so dreadfully afraid of. FDR said it best:"We have nothing to fear, but fear itself."

Isnt life grand when your layin in the sand!!

Isnt life grand when your layin in the sand!!