
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Promises you choose not to keep

I've had this lingering thought for a couple of weeks now. Sometimes i'm not sure where in the hell the thought is gonna take me, but my sediments are real and my point is simple.
Folks always want something for nothing, ya know. This comes to mind when i think of the word commitment. Many people, especially those who tend to whine frequently as a means of releasing frustration, LOVE to complain about how someone didnt stick to there words or didnt follow through with something, subsequently painting a picture of their subject as BAD. Why didnt they stick to their word? Who knows. But the one thing I do know is we, as mere humans, cannot expect someone to follow through on their promise if we cannot keep a promise to ourselves. Huh you might say? NO. think about it. How many times have we started a project only not to finish it? How many times have we promised to do something, only to have an extraordinary reason to break the promise? Reasons aside, how many times have you not followed through with what you said you would? To yourself even? Broken a workout plan? Cheated on a mate for the umpteenth time? Promise to pray and meditate daily only to get distracted by "things"? Hell, does, " Imma call you back" sound familiar?? Yeah, I'm speaking to you. (heck and me too)

All I do know is we can only expect from others what we expect and manifest of ourselves. How much easier is it for us to make a plan and execute it thoroughly than to break it? How many more days and years will we make excuses for not following through with something, but be upset when someone doesnt keep their word?? Our word is our only bond. Its been that way since the beginning of time. Lets not just talk about it, lets be about it...or don't say a damn thing at all!

God Is Love.

This is Sahsha with another thought.

Pushing forward,


W. Augustin said...

What’s up,
I just read your Blog, It took a while because I kept scrolling up to look at that pic!

Any how I find my self to be the complete opposite. I hate to leave things undone, once I start something I like to finish it. I get tunnel vision. As far as promises I keep my promises but I tend to break the ones I make to females. I am going to stop that because I have been dumped one hundred thousand million times. I do how ever say things like I will call you back but don’t call but that’s because I never really planed to call in the first place. The way you wrote this makes it look like you cant stick to one thing but from what I know about you, you seem very driven and focused almost anal.

Shawn Dunn said...

Man, you hit the nail on the head with this one. James just got back in yesterday (he did one of his famous pop-ins), and we got to talking about pretty much this same thing: keeping your word to yourself. You know we LOVE to make plans, but the minute we get down to the not so pretty parts of our PLAN, or to the parts that take a greater toll on us than what we expected, that's when we start lookin' for the exit. It's a line, from the movie TRAINING DAY, that comes to my mind, it's when Denzels' character admonishes the rookie cop with, "you made a with your decision". That's simple and direct, but all too often that charge is where we fail. James and I were talkin' about some of the reasons that we came over here; some of the goals we hope to have accomplished ere we leave. We talked about the trade offs we suffered: the sacrifices we had to make: the fears we have of this venture going completely wrong, and what it would mean to throw in the towell. In the end we both came to this resolve: can't go back...'cause the way is closed, can't throw in the towell...'cause then we're twice defeated, our only comfort lies in the future, but only God knows what that will bring, we started this journey, and hopefully we can make it the rest of the way, one way to do that is by accepting the fact that we made a decision, and, come what may, we have to live with it. I guess you could say that decision we made to do this was sort of like a promise we made to ourselves, and to our families, and to our families to come (Inshallah). A promise to prepare a better way. If we say we want to go to heaven then, first, we have to be willing to die.

Isnt life grand when your layin in the sand!!

Isnt life grand when your layin in the sand!!